This blog will chronicle the creation of a new brand, Imaginary Socks. We want to share with you our trials and tribulations as we encounter them along this exciting journey. Without any further ado lets get started.
Our adventure began the month of January 2017 with the birth of or rather I should say, formation of Imaginary Socks LLC. In the beginning, oh God that sounds like the beginning of the book of Genesis, but this is the beginning of our formation, we were excited and ready to conquer unchartered waters. It is a well-known fact that the sock industry is full of hundreds, if not, thousands of competitors both big and small.
While pitching the prospects of the company to family and friends, some were thrilled others proclaimed, “why socks and who’s your niche market?”. My initial thought to that question was, “my what?”, lol... Needless to say, we had no freaking clue who our targeted niche market was, we just want to design a sock product that would be enjoyed by the masses. It didn’t matter if the designs were for children, women or men, we just want socks that everyone would love and most importantly, a sock product that we would love.
I’m not going to lie to you, this is a tough industry, you would never imagine what is involved in the production of an accessory that gets lost, riddled with holes and eventually tossed away.
I’ve found myself becoming an expert in conceptual / graphic designing, manufacturing, packaging, shipping, customer service, accounting, hiring, marketing etc... I truly need to learn it all because after all this is my dream, my infant child and as with all children, they need nurturing from infancy to adulthood.
Damn I’m exhausted just writing this, lol... and I haven’t even begun to chronicle the journey. But I understand that your time is precious and who wants to spend hours reading a blog, which is why I will keep these blog chronicles brief and to the point.
Therefore, this is it for now, I hope you all didn’t get to bored while reading, I promise, this is only the beginning and trust me, “We’ve only just begun to live”, “Sharing horizons that are new to us. Watching the signs along the way. Talkin’ it over, just the two of us. Workin’ together day to day. Together”, “We’ve only just begun”, YESSS I love this song, The Carpenter
Until next blog my friends, PEACE ✌🏼